Welcome to Trinity MRI

We realise that patients are often apprehensive when coming for a scan. We have aimed to provide facilities and staff for you to make this process as comfortable as possible for you. Please explore the website, which addresses most of the common questions. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions, or would like to discuss your scan in greater detail.

Trinity MRI

NEW Patient Mobile App – MyRad

MyRad is an App to view your medical images conveniently online via your smartphone or device.

This technology is available to patients attending one of our clinics for radiology testing. It enables you as the patient, secure access to your personal medical images following your scan.

What makes Trinity MRI different?

Patient Safety

We continuously monitor you during your scan to ensure your safety and comfort.  You can communicate with us at any time from the scan room.  Your heart rate and breathing will be monitored continuously.  Our staff are trained in CPR, in the unlikely event it be required.

Spacious Facilities

Being a single-modality site, we are quiet and uncluttered. The care, comfort, and confidentiality of your  patients  is paramount to us.


Most patients find an MRI scan easy to tolerate, but some patients may feel uncomfortable, and require sedation.  If you think you may need sedation, please let us know in advance.

Radiological Expertise

Our consultant radiologists are all subspecialty trained. All studies are supervised, tailored to each patient, and reported on the same day.  Your study will then be second-reported by an independent consultant, before a final report is issued.


Our scanner, a Phillips 3.0T machine, was specifically chosen to provide advanced imaging tools such as spectroscopy, perfusion imaging, quantitative volumetric imaging, tractography, and functional MRI, and very high quality MR angiography.

Radiographic Expertise

Trinity only employs dedicated MRI radiographers, with special skills in advanced neuroimaging.  Their detailed knowledge allows them to tailor your examination to your specific needs, adjusting the scan technique case by case.

Our Patient Scanning Procedure